Monday, January 09, 2006

At an auction this week, I bought the book pictured here:

Having Junior Bank Book in my hands helps me embark on my own bank book/ blog, for kids and others. I generally turn to kid's books in the public library when I want to understand something (i.e. soil, the French Revolution, the eye) clearly. I had wanted to understand banks clearly, but was unable to find a book that answered my questions.

Unlike Junior Bank Book, which is a series of rhymes with places to insert coins so that the reader can save five dollars (coincidentally, the price I paid for my copy of the book) this here kid-friendly bank blog will describe what banks are up to.

Here is a list of some of the questions I will address:

What do banks do?
How do banks "make" money?
Who makes decisions in a bank about how to use the money deposited in the bank?
How does one start a bank?
What is life like if one doesn’t have a bank account?
What is meant by predatory lending?
How many people in the world use banks?
What is recent U.S. government legislation about banks and what is the impact of this legislation?
What is my dream bank?
What are other peoples’ dream banks?
What is a credit union?
What do "socially responsible" banks do that makes them different from other banks?
How is a community development corporation like and unlike a bank?


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